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Can you get joint custody if you have substance abuse problems?

On Behalf of | Mar 22, 2024 | Family Law

In Virginia, getting joint custody of your children while dealing with substance abuse issues can be complex. The state prioritizes the best interests of children.

This means parents must show the ability to provide a safe and stable environment.

1. Seek rehabilitation support

Proactive steps to address your substance abuse problem are helpful. A rehabilitation program shows your commitment to overcoming the issue. It should create a favorable impression in court. Documenting your participation in counseling, support groups or other recovery programs can strengthen your case for joint custody. Friends and family members can attest to the steps you are taking.

2. Maintain sobriety

Consistently maintaining sobriety helps demonstrate your ability to responsibly care for your children. Follow court-ordered drug testing and provide clean results to alleviate concerns about your capacity to parent effectively.

3. Create a safe environment

Your living environment should be safe and suitable for children. This includes maintaining a clean and organized home, free from any hazards related to substance abuse. Implementing a structured routine and providing emotional support for your children can further reinforce your ability to meet their needs.

4. Cooperate with co-parenting arrangements

Collaborate with your co-parent to establish a workable custody arrangement. Show that you are willing to communicate effectively and prioritize your children’s well-being. Be flexible and accommodating about visitation schedules to contribute to a successful co-parenting dynamic.

Getting joint custody of your children in Virginia while confronting substance abuse challenges requires dedication, accountability and a commitment to prioritizing your children’s welfare.