If you are facing charges related to speeding, it is important to understand the many ways in which these allegations can disrupt your life. For many people in this position, these charges create a number of short-term and even long-term challenges that interfere with one’s finances, career and ability to pursue their interests.
From financial hurdles to emotions and even time behind bars, speeding charges carry various consequences, depending on the details of the case.
Speeding charges and your driving record
For starters, it is important to realize that speeding charges can stay on your driving record for a very long time. According to the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, speeding can stay on one’s driving record for 5 years or up to 11 years if it constitutes reckless driving. If you have too many points within a certain timeframe, you could lose your driver’s license.
Speeding can lead to other penalties
Aside from your driving record, you could encounter hardships while trying to secure a job, especially if you are looking for work in a field that involves operating vehicles. In fact, some charges are very serious and can result in prison time. Moreover, those charged with speeding also face financial penalties, which vary depending on how fast you are travelling and other factors.
Because of the serious consequences associated with speeding charges, you need to approach these allegations carefully. Make sure you have a solid understanding of your legal options and look over any details of your case that could increase your chances of securing a more favorable outcome.