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How should you navigate summer custody schedules?

On Behalf of | Jun 16, 2022 | Uncategorized

One of the best parts of summer is spending time with your family. For divorced parents, this process is often a little challenging. For instance, you will need to discuss summer custody schedules to make sure everyone is happy with the situation.

While figuring out schedules is often complex, it is possible to do so with as little stress as possible. Here are a few important points to keep in mind.

Contact your ex-spouse well before summer vacation

Planning summer vacations last minute can cause lots of strife and conflict. If you know you are taking a vacation and would like the kids to come along, inform your ex as soon as you can. This will give you plenty of time to make an arrangement, while also ensuring the other parent can have equal input in the custody schedule.

Keep your kids in the loop

Your kids will have their own interests and activities during the summer. As a result, you should consult them about their plans to ensure you and your former spouse can plan accordingly. This is especially essential with older kids, who will naturally want to be on their own for some part of the summer. By keeping them in the loop, you can rest assured that their best interests remain a priority.

Be flexible about scheduling when you can

Things might not always work out as you planned. For example, if your ex suddenly discovers they must work late, it is ok to update the schedule to accommodate the new situation. As long as your ex is acting in good faith and the snag is legitimate, remaining flexible keeps the peace and ensures your children get to spend time with both parents.

If you do not have a formal custody agreement in place, now is a good time to consider one. A formal agreement serves as your road map for child custody and visitation. It can also contain information on how to handle disputes. And if your spouse will not follow the terms within, you can take the matter back to court.